Publication – The methoxylation of N-formylpyrrolidine in a microfluidic electrolysis cell for routine synthesis
Electrochimica Acta Volume 69, 1 May 2012, Pages 197–202number
Jekaterina Kuleshova1, Joseph Hill-Cousins1, Robert Green1, Peter Birkin1, Derek Pletcher1, Toby Underwood2 and Richard Brown1
1 – School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire, SO17 1BJ
2 – Pfizer Ltd, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9NJ
This paper describes the application development of a high-yielding, high-throughput N-formyl-pyrrolidine methoxylation reaction carried out in a flow electrochemical cell. The real throughput of the flow electrochemical cell for this specific reaction is also shown to be at least double that of the nearest competitor and has been measured rather than predicted. The publication concludes that the flow electrochemical cell will allow a range of electrochemical syntheses to be routinely carried out in flow, and to enable access to chemical space that was previously unavailable for the non-electrochemistry specialized chemist.

Abstract: A single channel microfluidic electrolysis cell being developed for application alongside other routine microfluidic operations in the laboratory has been applied to the methoxylation of N-formyl-pyrrolidine. It is shown that very high conversions (?90%) in a single pass can be achieved and it is possible to obtain several grams of product per hour with a good selectivity in optimized conditions.
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