Syrris system benefits on nanoparticle synthesis
Innovative batch and flow reactors from leading manufacturer Syrris are proving advantageous for a variety of nanoparticle applications, offering scientists working in the field numerous benefits. Simple to assemble with no tools required, the easy-to-use reactors enable conditions such as temperature, time, mixing, reagent ratios and concentrations to be quickly varied for rapid process optimization. Excellent mixing and temperature control ensure a narrow particle size distribution and, to further enhance reproducibility, the systems can be fully automated.

Batch reactors such as the modular Atlas system offer multiple sensors including temperature, pH and turbidity, and have no particle size restrictions. With a large choice of reactor sizes, process scale-up is straightforward. One company successfully performing batch synthesis of nanoparticles is Spanish nanomedicine company Midatech Biogune.
Our Atlas Potassium reactors have allowed us to scale-up production, enabling variables such as pH and temperature to be tightly controlled.”
Justin Barry, CEO, Midatech
Flow chemists have enjoyed similar success, with Paulina Lloret, a researcher at the Argentinian National Institute of Industrial Technologies, saying;
We trialed our nanoparticle experiments on the Asia flow chemistry system, and immediately placed an order for our own system to optimize the speed and results of our synthesis workflow.”

The flexible Asia system’s fast and reproducible mixing, excellent heat transfer and accurate temperature control, plus a wide range of flow rates, allow process optimization and production on the same reactor. This high level of control has enabled synthesis of nanoparticles not previously seen using batch techniques.